Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Announcing new project

Hey folks! Check out Another "blog" but this one focusing on practice tips and techniques, share your success stories and frustrations.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Excellent Concert!

It's been a few days since the concert, things have been crazy with a snow day, moving things back from the concert, and other such fun, so this post is a little tardy!

Excellent concert all around! I was quite pleased with everything I heard, but especially with the junior high kids. You all stepped it up a notch and it was an outstanding night for HJH Band! I listened to the CD a couple of times and really enjoyed what I heard. Let's keep this good work going as we start working on solo/ensemble music and large group music.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Aunt Hagar's Blues

The HJH Jazz Band has started off the year with a strong beginning. The students involved in this group continue to surprise and amaze me (and they make me laugh a little, too). We're working on four selections in anticipation of our upcoming performances. We have been working on Aunt Hagar's Blues for a little while now and improvisational solos in the blues form. Of course, with a title like Aunt Hagar's Blues there have been some interesting conversations, including the pondering of what Aunt Hagar would be blue about. Jazz Banders - anyone who comes up with lyrics that might go with this selection are encouraged to get these to me and they could make their way into future blogs (credit will be given to each lyricist).

The first band concert of the year is fast approaching...and I say bring it on! The Howar Banders are sounding wonderful and have pulled together an impressive program for a junior high band, if I must say so myself! Our band will be performing a couple of seasonal selections in addition to a couple of other pieces. This concert will be Monday, December 8 at 7:30 p.m. and I hope that we get a record number of concert attendees. What a great way to kick off the holiday season!

Banders are reminded that they are to meet at 7:11 p.m. wearing black, white, and/or gray (silver) dress clothes... How sharp you'll look!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Congratulations to the Fifth Grade Band and their first concert last night! Nice job to my fellow cast members (members of the CHS Band), Tyler M. as Pierre, the French Chef; Katie W. as Aunt Rhody; and Michael S. as The Grey Goose! Excellent acting (and rowing)!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Early Concert Reminders

Off and running for this short week before the big Thanksgiving Break! Howar Junior High Concert Band will have three rehearsals this week and five next week for a total of eight rehearsals before the concert. The Monday of the concert (December 8) we will hopefully walk up to CHS to run through some things and do some sound checks in the auditorium, we will be able to leave our things there for the concert that night so all you have to worry about the night of the concert is showing up in your dress clothes.

Remember that proper concert attire for this performance is to be black, white, and/or gray (silver) dress clothes. This includes dress shoes. T-shirts and jeans are not considered dress clothes. The reason I insist on the dress clothes is that this is our representation of ourselves and our program to the public and we will represent ourselves better when dressed up. I have had many positive comments from a variety of sources who have seen us in the black, white, and/or gray attire. If for some reason you are having trouble finding proper attire, please see me ASAP and I can help you. If you are questioning if something is proper to wear for this concert, please visit with me one on one. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter! The HJH Concert Band is playing very well already and we want to look just as sharp as we sound!

Don't forget that this concert is on our list of required performances and is the test grade for this quarter!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November is flying away!

Looking at the blog this morning and realizing that I haven't been on to say much lately! Wow! It's not that NOTHING has been happening, in fact, almost the opposite has been occurring...there has been TOO MUCH going on!

Howar was represented by four eighth grade students at SCIBA's junior high honor band festival last Tuesday. Shelby R. and Alesha D. were in the White Band and Lei Alena D. and Jeremy S. were in the Blue Band. They rehearsed all afternoon with other banders from around the south central part of Iowa and performed an evening concert. It was an exceptional day and I send a special thanks out to band mom Brenda R. for coming along with me for the day!

Junior High Jazz has been amazing! What a great way to start our year! We'll be gearing up for Big Band Night before too long!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Spooky Notes!

Happy Halloween!

This week has been eerily excellent in the Howar Band World... Wednesday and Thursday were amazing rehearsals with a TON accomplished and I'm really starting to get excited about the upcoming concert in December! Way to go junior high banders on your hard work this week!

This quarter we are working on rhythms and time signatures as a band. We're working hard on tapping our feet while we work on rhythmic exercises. This week's rhythm sheets were a little on the easy side, so the good news is that next week's rhythms will be a bit harder. Each week we'll be tackling new rhythmic ideas and working to coordinate our feet with the beat. We'll also hopefully start exploring a variety of time signatures, too. By the end of the quarter we should be a lean, mean, rhythmic reading machine!

We also changed the day of the week that our practice sheets are due. These sheets are now due on Wednesdays. I'm hoping that putting this due date in the middle of the week will help with our memories so we don't forget over the weekend! Let's get those questions answered with complete sentences!

I'm very pleased with the HJH Jazz Band after our second week of rehearsals. It sounds like this is going to be a good year to get into the groove!

And in other news, the CHS Flag Team did an outstanding job on Wednesday night with their performance with the CHS Marching Band. Congratulations on ending an amazing season in the chilly October air! Congrats to the CHS Football team for advancing to the next level...can't wait for the game on Monday night! The WHOLE CHS Band will be there playing Pep Band to cheer them on!

da da da da da da da daaaa HEY! GO BIG REDS!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How much fun!

Hey! Just catching up on a few things here...been VERY busy but VERY good :)

1. CAN'T wait for the costume show, CHS! Friday night is predicted to be a bit on the chilly side, that is, until the CHS Marching Band takes the track for their costume halftime production and heats things up! Way to go CHS football on making the playoffs AND getting home field advantage...SO...if you missed the CHS Marching show at halftime of the Homecoming game and heard how awesome it was or just want to see it again, we'll do de ja vu at halftime of that game on Wednesday, October 29. Rock it CHS colorguard!

2. As chilly as it's been in the band room all day today (anyone who came to a Tuesday lesson can tell you that), it warmed right up when the HJH Concert Band met today. WOW! Great job sight reading today and I can't wait to dig into Novena this week!

3. Centerville music page's guest book...I hadn't checked it for awhile. Guess I've been missing out on some of the fun...looks like the HJH kids have a contest going trumpets vs. tubas... If you haven't checked in awhile, do so! Sign up, be heard!

Vocal concert tonight at 7:30...break a leg if that includes you, I'll be there checking out how the HJH choir is doing this year (and CHS, too).

JAZZ BAND at HOWAR starts tomorrow! Be there all you cool cats!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Possible New Mascots under consideration for the HJH Band

5. Numerous dead bugs...and spiders!
4. Little drumline frog...
3. CHIPMONK! (Yes, now you may put your things away...)
2. Kangaroos that say BUZZ BUZZ...not MOO!
1. Eighth Grade Drummers!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tardiness in Blogging...Sorry Guys!

Well, it's not because good stuff hasn't been happening that I have been late in my blogging, it's because TOO MUCH good stuff has been going on that I haven't had time to sit still at the computer long enough to blog (unless I've been working on other stuff at the computer). So...much to catch up on!

First, congratulations to the CHS Marching Band and a successful homecoming weekend performance! I have heard many rave reviews from folks at Howar and am now passing them on to you! Way to go! Thriller was AWESOME! Only one more show to go!

A HUGE congratulations to the six HJH students who auditioned for honor band last week. Lei Alena D., Shelby R., Alesha D., Jeremy S., Megan A., and Jesse S. all did a great job representing our program in Indianola and I'm so proud of each of you for all of the hard work and extra effort that went into preparing those auditions. Lei Alena D. and Jeremy S. will be representing us in the Blue Band and Shelby R. and Alesha D. will be representing us in the White Band in November. Way to go!

Chair placements are ongoing at HJH this week at lessons. We're also busy in preparations for our winter concert.

Jazz Band at Howar will begin next week and students who are interested should have gotten information sheets today, anyone who did not get one can find one online on my page later tonight. (Anyone whose pet goat ate it on the way home can also find another one there.) I'm starting to look forward to jazz band beginning and seeing who is interested this year!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What's Coming Up in October??

1 - SCIBA Junior High Honor Band Auditions will take place on October 7th. GOOD LUCK!

2 - CHS Homecoming complete with halftime performance by the CHS marching band!

3 - HJH Jazz Band to begin mid-month. Further information will follow next week!

4 - CHS "Halloween" performance to conclude the home football season.

5 - IHSMA All State Auditions. Good luck to our high school friends who will be trying out!

6 - CONCERT BAND REHEARSALS!! We're going to rock that winter concert!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Amazing Job Everyone! Marching Weekend Recap

Congratulations to the Centerville Marching Program all around for an excellent showing this weekend! It's Monday morning and I'm still feeling good from the weekend.

Friday night's performance was so much fun for so many reasons. First - looking at the stands while you were all playing pep band together, it was great to see so many band students together! Most importantly, the halftime performance was phenomenal. CHS - looked pretty sharp with your new movements, the HJH kids were pretty impressed as they watched waiting for their turn to take the field. HJH - I think you played Paralyzer the best you've ever done it on Friday night - WOW! And the combined bands? Amazing. Flag team looked sharp!

Saturday morning's pep band was stellar. We had a full float with great friends and lead the Kiddie Parade off right. This is always a ton of fun and I hope to see it continue to grow. Thanks to Mr. Jackson for driving us safely around the square!

Saturday afternoon's Big Parade....I'm still on cloud nine after it! Unfortunately I was unable to be with the CHS flag team because of my duties with the HJH band (I wish I could have been two places at once), but I am so glad to have girls who can step up and take a leadership role. I had no worries leaving instructions in your hands and the reports I have gotten from several sources tell me that you did a great job in this performance (I had no doubt that it would be an excellent performance). Howar Band - looking sharp and sounded great! Our seventh grade friends are now officially Centerville Marchers! I am very pleased with how things went this weekend.

I have some photos coming in (and if you have some good ones, email them to me!), so there should be some photos eventually on the blog and then the actual web site!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gloves are IN, Polos are OUT!

Today's blog will be about the fashion to be sported at upcoming Centerville marching events!

Howar Junior High banders received their RED POLOS during band today, hence they are OUT and in their hands! They will look smashing when paired with a pair of black pants and accompanied with matching black shoes and socks!

Centerville Flag Team members will rejoice when they learn that a shipment of black grippy gloves came today (so they're IN)! These grippy gloves allow for proper flag twirling technique while protecting the tender skin of the palms from blisters. As an added bonus, they should protect us from the cold when those last couple of games come!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First steps of a marching band

Congratulations, HJH Banders! You have officially taken your first steps as a marching band! While playing, too!

You're sounding excellent, and I'm sure in no time we'll be looking just as good as we're sounding... Keep up the good work and try very hard!

CHS flags - I'm going to be watching the music video Thriller in anticipation of our future performances! :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rain, Rain Go AWAY!

They say that if you don't like the weather in Iowa, just wait five minutes and it'll change...not so true when you want to have rehearsal outside! It's been rainy too much lately, and I'm hoping for some excellent weather this upcoming week! We did get a LOT of music prepared this week, and fixed some very important items, but I'm getting anxious to be outside!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Here froggy froggy froggy!

The HJH Drummers are an interesting crew... They have a new obsession over small frogs. For example, the little guy that they found while having drumline rehearsal outside this afternoon. How odd.

The count down to our weekend of marching has begun! We have 12 more rehearsals until we do our TWO performances! Things are looking/sounding good, but we still have so much more to do!

And, a belated picture post from this weekend... Here's a shot of the flag team relaxing before the Moulton parade!
Anyone know any good (clean) music jokes? Please post them as a comment here! I'll get you started... What do you get when you throw a piano down a mine shaft? A flat minor!

Friday, September 5, 2008

HJH Trumpets ROCKED this week!

What a week it's been...

Tuesday was HOT and pretty miserable, then Wednesday and Thursday were rainy and pretty miserable (thanks hurricane remnants!), looks like today might actually be a good weather day. Hopefully it'll be perfect weather for the big game tonight! Good luck CHS marching band on your first performances this weekend!

The HJH section of mention this week is the TRUMPET SECTION!! Wow! Not only did you work hard in your sectional with me on Wednesday, but yesterday in full rehearsal it was an amazing sound! The second trumpets especially have made some wonderful strides this week and I'm very proud of you! Keep up the good work and I hope to have you in the jazz band this year!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Watch for files!

Howdy! I'm working on a special place to post those HJH and CHS Flag Team documents... So check out!! There's not much up yet, but I'm working on it this evening (Tuesday) and there will be more in the days to come!

Marching 101

Top Five Things to Remember When Marching...

5. Look out for the dead critters littering the streets!
4. Don't look at your feet - they'll still be there!
3. Think it's terrible to be outside in the heat today? Just wait until the end of the marching season, you'll be missing days like today!
2. Put your hands out in front of you palm hand will make an "L" and the other won't. The "L" is your left hand...your left foot is on the same side of your body!
1. When you're at attention, don't eat your pants!

Thanks for excellent rehearsals today CHS and HJH! CHS flags look like you'll be ready for this first weekend of performances! Can't wait! HJH - congrats on taking your first steps as a marching band today! Will we be ready for the end of the week? I think so!!

On a side note, I'm working on some ideas to get some of the HJH and CHS flag team hand outs posted... I'll either blog here that I've had them posted for me on the main web page OR I'll blog where you can find them... That is one of my evening activities!

Stay cool!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday!

WOW! I am on cloud nine after today! Excellent job Wednesday lesson folks in coming to your lessons...we may have set a new record of on time lesson attendance in one day! Keep this good work up!

HJH Marching Band is starting to come together! It'll be no time before we're ready! Pancake Day here we come!

CHS Flags...are you ready for tomorrow's putting it all together with the rest of the band? I think so :)

And on a side note - we're nearing the weekend, too... Labor Day weekend! Hope you're all looking forward to a little break before coming back to hit it hard again!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mid-Week Update

Greetings Centerville Banders and friends/families!

I'm so excited after the first two days this week. First, HJH Band - WOW! We're going to have a great year if the first two days of full period rehearsals is any indication! Keep up the good work! Also, Monday and Tuesday lesson folks - great job! You guys are really neat people and I can't wait to work with you more. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday people - I can't wait until I get to have you for your first lessons!

CHS Flags - you all are still a great group to work with! Molly T. came up with the BEST T-shirt designs, what a talented lady! Sounds like we're working on our own tomorrow to clean things up and then might get to be WITH THE BAND on Thursday! I can't believe that our first performance of the year is almost here!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Wrapping up the Week

A HUGE thanks to the HJH Band today! WOW! A short rehearsal and you already were able to make some great progress :)

Don't forget that lessons start on MONDAY!! You'll want to bring your lesson book so I can review/learn where you're at. You will also want your marching music, I'll help each of you with a couple of spots if time allows. I'm so excited about getting the lesson schedule started! (Eighth graders interested in doing the honor band auditions, we'll talk about that at your lesson, too.)

Five full days next week, so we should be able to get a lot of work done. I'm starting to look forward to Pancake Day already!

Section of mention this week - DRUMLINE! There's something about the drumline that makes the marching band sound like a marching band, and I have to say, this drumline is going to make our marching season amazing!

Have a great weekend and don't forget to bring your practice sheets on Monday! Easy 10 points. (And your parents have homework, too, but you'll have to help them turn that one in.)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day of School!!

Hey all HJH Banders out there! I'm so very excited about this year, especially since I got to see your faces today! I got the feeling after 6th period today that this year could be something really special and I can't wait for 6th period Friday to roll around so we can play through our marching tune!!

Here's hoping that your lockers open easily tomorrow!

Five Flags a-waving

Looking good at your first performance ladies! Here's a picture from the Big Red Night :) Thanks Kae for sending me the picture!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wrapping up the summer...SIGH...

One last post from me before I officially end my summer...

But what a summer it's been! Summer lessons went well, I think I had record attendance this third year of teaching in the Centerville summer program, congrats to those of you who were able to come to at least a few lessons! Also, the summer ensembles were even more amazing this year, PLUS we played to a record crowd! That was the sweetest way to end the summer lesson program. Hope to see even more participate next summer!

Getting back in to the swing of things, we've already had some fun with the marching program. I didn't get to check out any of the drum or wind rehearsals for CHS due to my flag coaching, but heard that things went well. I am very excited about the flag team this season, we had such a strong kick off! HJH Marching Band started out with a BANG! Sight reading through the piece, this could be the beginning of a top notch band!!

Enough looking back, let's look to the future and this upcoming school year. Eighth graders interested in auditioning for SCIBA Honor Band, you'll be wanting to work on your scales AND if you don't already have etudes, make sure I get those to you on Friday! Those auditions will be happening before we know it!

Pancake Day is the last Saturday in September (the 27th), and our combined performance with CHS will be the night before (the 26th). I think we've picked some very exciting music this season, and can't wait until Friday when we will get to start working on it at Howar!!

I'm already brainstorming some ideas for our winter concert in December as well as for our large group contest sets (both concert and jazz band), and I know that this is going to be another phenomenal year for those groups!

Don't forget - NO instruments on Thursday, but we WILL want them on Friday!! See you at Back to School Night and the First Day of School!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Terriffic Tuesday All Around

At the end of today (Tuesday) I'm exhausted. Not bad exhausted, just tired beyond tired. It's the good kind of being tired, when lots of good stuff has happened during the day, but you're ready for bed because so much good stuff has happened.

First, flag team, WOW!! You're going to be ready for that first show in NO TIME! (I failed to write down some of the items from today, which I regret now, because I know that lots of fun was had.) Thanks to Tricia for the yummy treats that we gobbled down during our break! (If it makes you feel any better, I hear that the band had a little trouble with the end of Train, Train today, so it's not just the flag team that gets slipped up there, but you'll have it for that first performance, I know you all have it in you!) It was so much fun to get to watch more of this rehearsal and start to get to the picky! (This MIGHT even be deserving of cookies at some point this flag season, I MIGHT even have to break out my cookie sheets before one of the performances.)

Secondly, thanks to the HJH kids who came to the band camp this evening. I'm still on cloud nine after you sight read our tune as well as you did. A JUNIOR HIGH band sight read without stopping even before the year gets started. (I don't think I've ever had a JH band pull of that feat so early in the year before, quick pat of the back to each of you!) I'm so pumped thinking about what is to come this school year, and you should be, too. If you missed our music rehearsal/social event, your music is waiting for you in your cubbie in the band room. We'll sound EVEN BETTER when we can get everyone involved. Wow, I'm really looking forward to the end of next week!

Thanks to some special people who helped out today - Mr. DePrizio and his mean snare skills, Mr. Taylor and his stinging trombone, Tyler and his perfect rhythm bass drum, and Tricia and her excellent leadership in the after flag game played not after flags with the JH band - your time, energy, and efforts are truly appreciated more that you know!

And on a side note, the JH parade tune is so catchy this year, after one rehearsal on it I already have part of it stuck in my head. Must just be marching band on the brain!


Monday, August 11, 2008

HJH Marching Camp...TOMORROW!!

Howdy Howar Band Students!

I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow (TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 @ 6:30 p.m.) at our music rehearsal/social event!! We'll meet in the band room at Howar, please use the door off of the side gravel lot (it may be the only one open). We'll have a little fun, play through some of the music for this fall, and then around 7:30 we'll enjoy some frozen treats and socialize. Tell your ride that we'll wrap things up around 8:00! Can't wait to see you all!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

THANK YOU for an awesome week ladies!

To the members of the flag team who were in attendance this week - THANK YOU! You made my week. I had such a good time working with you, and we're going into next week with the first show just about ready to go, just some cleaning up to take care of - WOW!!!!!

Thank you also for helping me out this afternoon. As you are aware, I was not feeling well. I'm feeling much better now, I think I had a migraine or something similar and it's almost past. With a good night of sleep, I'm hoping to wake up refreshed in the morning. It was so wonderful to see you go ahead and work hard and pull together. If this week is any indication, we're on our way to the BEST YEAR YET!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What a Wednesday!

What can I say? Crazy flag team fun was had on Wednesday! Here are of the highlights:

6. Whoa! You have green eyes!
5. I'm going to name my flag Petie after Petie the (dead) bug!
4. Come find us.
3. No cookies today, either.
2. Musical Catch Phrase!
1. The "After Flag Team Game"

Looking forward to another great day tomorrow! Might change the lunch location tomorrow to Subway. Thoughts?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

There will be no cookies...

What can I say? Flag team is AWESOME! I saw Mrs. J. this evening and she commented to me how good you looked when she and her girls popped in this afternoon. :) Let's keep up the good work! Tomorrow - we polish Watchtower!

Oh, and make sure you check out each other's comments... We've had at least one so far on the posting with yesterday's highlights!

Successful Beginning to Flag Team 08

Yesterday was the first official meeting of the 2008 CHS flag team. What a team it's going to be! I'm so excited about the awesome possibilities for this upcoming season!

Top five random items from Monday's festivities:

5. Petie the (dead) bug...
4. Taylor found her pen from junior high!
3. What's on your I-pod?
2. Fundraising idea for flags - stop traffic!
1. The light over Tricia's head went out. Wait...the whole line is off...half the lights are off!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

HJH Marching Camp (Rehearsal/Social) Announcement

Greetings! Hard to believe that August is coming on FRIDAY! And registration, too...

I've decided to try a new attack to the old marching camp this year... We're going to do one evening with a music rehearsal and follow it with frozen treats! On Tuesday, August 12 at 6:30 p.m. the HJH 2008 Marching Band will meet for the first time in the HJH Band Room and sight read through and rehearse on the music for this fall's highly anticipated marching season. We'll follow that up with frozen treats around 7:30 p.m. for anyone who wants to stick around and socialize. We'll wrap things up around 8:00 p.m. This is a non-required event, however, it is highly recommended and there will be BONUS POINTS given out to all in attendance (not to mention the frozen goodies). I can't wait to see everyone there!

Further information about this event will also be given out during school registration on Friday and Monday, available in the HJH office after registration finishes, or you can email me for more information starting Friday.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Posting AGAIN!

Guess another week's gone by... Where is the summer going? I've looked under my bed, but summer's not there, there's just a big old dust bunny that's about big enough I should name it.

We're one week away from the beginning of flag team! I just put together a mailing for the flag team members that will be sent out with a little more information. If it doesn't get to you or you have questions or ideas, please contact me, email me ( or call my cell phone (if you don't have the number, email me for that).

Junior High Banders we will have a music rehearsal/social event before school starts, information will be at school registration for you. If you have any questions or ideas, please email me (see above email address) or call my cell phone.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Back at it!

Greetings! Guess it's been a few days since my last blog... I took some time off to relax and revamp. This included a trip to Des Moines and a viewing of the newest movie musical to hit the big screen, Mamma Mia! Excellent way to spend a summer day!

I'm back at things at a relaxed pace. I walked up to school this morning listening to my I-Pod where I have put the demos of this season's marching music and the ideas have started to flow, so I'm about to grab my flag and see if I can get any of these ideas to make it into reality. Depending on my jury duty status, I'll be in and out this week working on the choreography and some general cleaning and organization. Otherwise, I am planning on getting out to the fair at least a couple of times this week, I've already purchased my pass, so I might bump into a few of you there. For everyone showing something this week, good luck, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll have good weather this week. Hopefully everyone is able to have some fun this week!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Looking forward to or seen any good movies?

Well, with summer officially at it's peak, I've started to think about some of the movies that came out and I missed seeing in the theater and wondering if they'll be good DVD picks this fall/winter as well as some that are out now and will be coming out soon. Mamma Mia! is coming out this weekend and I'm rather looking forward to seeing it. Anybody seen any good movies this summer or looking forward to ones that are about to come out? Reply to this posting and give us your two-cents!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Successful end to the summer program!

Congratulations and thank you to anyone and everyone involved in the marathon concerts yesterday afternoon/evening. What an event! I was impressed with many aspects of yesterday.

First, thanks to everyone who helped load the truck and clear chairs and stands from the junior high band room after Junior Band yesterday afternoon, to those who unloaded the truck and helped set up at the concert site, and to everyone who has helped load the truck following the muni band concerts this season including last night. Only one more unload of the summer! Without your help things would not have gone so smoothly!

Second thanks to our adoring audiences. I was impressed each time I got the chance to look out over the crowd yesterday. What a turn out! It was a great day for such a concert and I'm glad to see the community turn out for this unique summer performance.

Finally, thank to everyone who performed yesterday. The jazz band sounded great and I am looking even more forward to starting jazz band at Howar in October after hearing how great the group sounded yesterday with only five rehearsals and the maturity of the soloists even before our season begins! Wow! I was impressed with the turn out for the Junior Band. As I was helping with your set up, I was starting to get nervous about fitting all of you into the band shell and the possibility of running out of chairs. If this summer is any indication, the sixth grade band will be especially strong this next year. Way to go! I've had a blast the past five weeks working with the Youth Band. I enjoy working with the group and seeing how quickly we can get a program together during the summer. In five one-hour rehearsals we were able to pull together some neat selections. You sounded great last night! And finally, I have has such a great time this year playing with the muni band. What a great evening to finish off the 2008 season.

Now I'm ready to start looking forward to the 2008/2009 school year. HJH Band members will be receiving some information about a pre-school year marching musical rehearsal and social event in the not too distant future. I'll blog about it once details are ironed out and information will be handed out at school registration. I'm also looking forward to the 2008 Flag Team getting organized. Now that summer lessons have concluded, I'm going to be able to put a little more energy into working up routines and getting details organized for the best year yet! It looks like in addition to our rehearsals we will be trying to add a few social opportunities. I'm going to try to get a phone and email list together, so if you're reading this blog and are on the 2008 Flag Team, please take a moment and email me with your email address and phone number and pass this link onto your friends on the team so they can do the same. (Email address:

Have a great summer!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Checking in After the Fourth

Well, the Fourth of July has come and gone again... This signals high summer, heat and humidity, and the last week of summer band lessons and rehearsals, the summer ensemble performances and the final municipal band concert! I suppose like all good things, these must come to an end. What a summer it has been, though. I've had some amazing lessons with some excellent students and have started to look forward even more to the 2008/2009 school year. If this summer's lessons are any indication, we're going to have some pretty powerful sections in our band and jazz band come fall at Howar.

Just a few reminders for this week... First, remember that this is the last week of summer lessons. Mr. Taylor and I won't be back next week to teach lessons (I might be in taking care of some cleaning and filing, maybe working on some new flag moves...). Don't forget to have a little fun as this summer progresses...but also don't forget to grab your horn when you get a little bored and play a little...pick out your favorite lesson lines or work ahead a little. Eighth graders auditioning for honor band in the fall will want to work on those scales (C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D, A and Chromatic). Everyone is welcome to work on scales, arpeggios, rudiments, etc. for the scale club. I'm going to get Mr. Taylor to post PDFs of my scale sheets for you in case you loose yours, your hamster used it for toilet paper, or you're working into the next level.

Last week's municipal band concert was pretty outstanding. The band played well, there was an excellent audience, the band boosters had a spectacular turn out for their ice cream social, and the weather completely cooperated for us (which hasn't happened much this summer). I'm looking forward to this week's concerts, starting with Summer Jazz at 5:30, Junior Band (going into 6th) at 6:00, Youth Band (going into 7th and 8th) at 6:30, and the Centerville Municipal Band at it's regular 8:00 p.m. time on Thursday. Feel free to pack a picnic dinner, grab a few bucks to buy dessert, and enjoy an evening of fine performances.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Final Summer Challenge

Challenge #5

Figure out how to play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on your instrument using no music. Play it for me at the beginning of your lesson for a sweet treat!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Top Five Things Overheard Last Week During Summer Band Activities

5. I practiced like 500 minutes...I'm getting pretty bored with summer!
4. "Cheese-cut the-cheese"...that must be Mr. D.'s influence...
3. I really like your feet, I wish I had them!
2. No one wants my feet!
1. Summer Band is GREAT...what am I going to do with myself when it's over?

Summer Performances, End of Lessons

Well, the end is near! The end of summer lessons, that is... Next week (July 7, 9, and 10) will be the last days for lessons and the rehearsals. Our final performance will be held in conjunction with the final Centerville Municipal Band performance on Thursday, July 10th. This will be held in the band shell on the Centerville square. The Summer Jazz Ensemble will perform at 5:30 p.m, Junior Band at 6:00 p.m., and Youth Band at 6:30 p.m. Performers are asked to be at the band shell at least 10 minutes prior to their ensemble's performance. Attire for the evening will be clean school appropriate clothing (doesn't have to be anything special). Everyone is encouraged to stick around for the 8:00 p.m. Municipal Band concert. You might think about bringing a picnic dinner and enjoying an evening of good music outside on the scenic Centerville square...and don't forget the ice cream social with the Municipal Band's concert!

And while on the topic of Municipal Band performances, just a friendly reminder that this week's concert is featuring American Music in honor of the Fourth of July... And this week's ice cream social is to benefit the Centerville Band Boosters, an organization that aids our program in a number of ways, so be sure to bring your appetite and a few dollars!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Fourth Challenge

Challenge #4 -
Here's a challenge "just for fun..." Take your practicing on the road this week! With summer here, and (hopefully) good weather at least most of the days, take your horn outside and practice outside. Be careful not to drop it in a mud puddle and be sure you take it back inside before you do something else. Get your parent/guardian to sign a sheet saying that you practiced outside and bring it to your lesson for a piece of candy!

High School Band Students are AWESOME!

I want to take a moment to thank the CHS Band Students who have been coming to help us with the elementary and junior high rehearsals and mentoring some of the younger students. Thanks to these students not only are there some awesome role models around, but they sure make the rehearsals and the "down time" between events more fun for everyone involved. Thanks!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Challenge #3

Greetings Everyone!

We're entering the third week of summer lessons! This is the half-way point of the summer band lesson session...and of course, the third challenge. Here's the deal... I'm DOUBLING the incentive for doing scales, arpeggios, and rudiments... Any scale, arpeggio, or rudiment that you haven't already crossed off in your current scale club level is worth TWO Jolly Ranchers or Tootsie Rolls. You can do as many this week as you choose, just remember to have them memorized before you come to your lesson!

Good luck!

What a week!

What a week it's been! To anyone who thinks that summer is "down time" for teachers never lived the life of a band director! It was a full week, but I can't say anything bad about the week except that I'm exhausted beyond exhausted...

First, summer lessons this week have been wonderful. There were some exceptional lessons and a lot of things learned, and a number of scales crossed off this week again. Several of you will be starting off the 2008/2009 school year way ahead! Keep it up! A HUGE thank you goes out to the Wednesday and Thursday people who came on the funny days this week.

Second, thank you to the Centerville Municipal Band. An excellent concert under strange circumstances, it was a blast to have the opportunity to direct a full concert.

And finally, brass players...get ready to BUZZ! I went to an amazing class in Pella on playing brass instruments this week. It made a couple of very long days, but I'm so excited about what I learned that I can't wait to get all of the brass players in for lessons next week!

Everything should be back to "normal" next week and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at rehearsals and lessons!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Looking forward to flag team!

Hey there! I promised to blog about flag team, too, so here's the first blog about flag team... If you're on the team next year feel free to make a comment off of this posting, I can't wait to hear from y'all...

We're looking at another wonderful season this upcoming fall with some fun music that Mr. D. selected and a talented, dedicated group of girls on the team. When we start work in August I predict some discussion of t-shirt designs, so start the creative juices flowing (there's already been one idea thrown into the pot of "I would rather twirl my flag than..." and list several things you would rather not do. This idea isn't set in stone, so if there are other ideas out there let's hear them!

I'm going to start the choreography hopefully next week and will be talking to several flag sources to get some fresh ideas to shock and awe our crowd this season!

And now the top five reasons that I'm looking forward to flag team in August...

5. I want another shot at breaking my nose...
4. The flags are just so pretty...
3. Butterflies and backscratchers and tick tocks, oh my!
2. What an amazing group of girls that I'll get to coach!
1. This year is going to be the best yet!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Oh! Be sure to check it out!...and a top four!

I've done some experimenting today with the blog layout... Check out the left hand margin of the page, there's some *NEW* content there that you might be interested in! This includes a survey, who met last week's challenge, and other such updates!

Don't forget that Wednesday lessons will be TOMORROW (Tuesday) and Thursday lessons will be on FRIDAY this week ONLY!

And now, on the lighter side, a Top Four Comments Overheard at Summer Jazz Rehearsal today:

4. Poor Mr. Taylor, stuck in a flood!
3. Where the heck is my shampoo?
2. Why are you smelling me?
1. Isn't summer jazz the best?

P.S. To everyone who was at Summer Jazz rehearsal this afternoon, excellent job! The group is going to be sounding AMAZING!! I'm looking forward to starting jazz band in the fall!

Top Ten Things To Do When Boredom Sets In...

Bored with summer yet? Here's Ms. Philipsen's Top Ten Things To Do When Boredom Sets In...

10. Clean out your sock drawer. Make sock puppets out of the socks that are missing their mates. Put on a puppet show for your neighborhood.

9. Memorize scales, arpeggios, and rudiments. This will not only keep you busy for an afternoon, but if you play them for Ms. P. you'll get a sweet reward.

8. Chase squirrels. Don't forget to look both ways before you cross the street, and remember, climbing utility poles isn't such a good idea for us humans.

7. Practice for your band lesson. Maybe practice outside or in the bathroom or somewhere weird...

6. Come up with your own top ten list. If it's good and school appropriate, post it as a comment to this post and share it with the rest of the band! Be creative with topics. (Please try to keep them positive!) Oh, and while you're working online, take the online poll that's with this blog...there will be a new one each week...

5. Practice long tones. How long can you hold a note? Can you hold every note just as long? Can you make your tone sound better? Just be careful not to pass out!

4. Make a picnic lunch and take your teddy bear out for a nice stroll and picnic. Don't forget the sunblock and bug spray.

3. Play through some of your favorite lesson lines from lessons past. Do you sound better playing them now than you did when you first worked on that lesson? What are your favorite lines?

2. Check out It's a great web site that costs you nothing, but by answering vocabulary questions you are donating rice to poor countries through the site's sponsors. Don't worry about your vocab level, they have easy words as well as much harder words and the computer will help find the level that you should work at. Check it out and make a difference!

1. Did I mention PRACTICE?? As a band director, I would be in trouble if this wasn't in my #1 boredom buster slot...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Don't Forget - Change in schedule this week only!

Just a friendly reminder that this week's lessons are going to be a little different. Monday folks stay the same. Wednesday lessons will be on TUESDAY and Thursday lessons will be on FRIDAY. YOUTH BAND will remain on Wednesday, Mr. Taylor is going to work with y'all. This change in schedule is so I can take a class in Pella on Wednesday and Thursday on teaching brass, so look out brass players, I'm going to come back with lots of good ideas to share with you!

Muni Band is also going to be different this week only, too... We're going to perform on WEDNESDAY at the HIGH SCHOOL LAWN due to some other community events (concert will still be at 8 p.m.). Oh, and I'll be directing...I'm looking forward to that. Should be a lot of fun!

Be sure to sign the guest book on the Centerville Band web page and post some comments. I enjoy seeing everyone who has been to the site!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Second Challenge!

Challenge #2: Find a sheet of paper and a pencil. Pick a line that you're working on in your lesson book and write the page number and line number that you're using on the paper. Play the line once. List two things that went well when you plaed the line. List two things that you want to improve on when you play that line. Play the line again. Answer the question "how did I improve the second time over the first time I played this line?" Bring this to your lesson for a piece of candy. You can do this with up to three lines for candy (so you can get up to three pieces of candy for this practicing exercise). Of course you can ask yourself these questions every single time you practice a line... Good luck and good practicing!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Lesson Update

WOW! Summer lessons have started off with a bang! What a couple of days so far! I'm exhausted after today's record attendance. Congratulations to everyone who has so far met the first summer challenge. (If your lesson isn't until tomorrow, check out the challenge in the last posting.) The challenge is still good through tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get to hear a few more scales! Everyone who has crossed off one or more scale or rudiment will also be getting their scale club chart posted in the HJH band room next week to start filling up for the 08/09 school year.

Thanks also to all of the wonderful high school students who are helping with youth band (and all of the summer groups for that matter). I appreciate that you're giving up part of your summer to help us out! Things wouldn't go as smoothly without you!

Don't forget that my lessons next week will be a little mixed up. Wednesday lessons will be on Tuesday and Thursday lessons will be on Friday. I'm taking a class in Pella on teaching brass instruments, and looking forward to getting some new ideas to bring back with me to share with our brass players. There will be another posting on Thursday or Friday with a challenge for week two of summer lessons, so check up on that when you get a chance.

Municipal Band concert will be tomorrow night at 8:00 in the band shell on the square. Hope to see you there for good music and an ice cream social! (Weather permitting, of course!)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Challenge #1 and Top Ten Things Band Students will be doing on June 4th

Challenge #1 – To anyone taking summer lessons, I am issuing a challenge to cross off your one octave concert Bb scale (your Bb, C, G, or F scale depending on the instrument) at your first summer lesson (the week of June 9). Your reward? Not only will you have one scale already crossed off on your chart, but you will also gain the reward of TWO Jolly Ranchers or similar candies! Good Luck!

Top Ten Things Band Students will be doing on June 4th (their first day off!):
10. Chuckle as they think of their teachers still working one last day.
9. Wonder "did I really pass all of my classes?"
8. Finally remember their locker combinations!!
7. Buy ice cream or other frozen novelty.
6. Text everyone they know…
5. Forget that school’s out for the summer and show up at 8:00 anyway.
4. Proclaim that it’s boring already!
3. Drive siblings/parents/neighbors crazy…
2. Sleep in.
1. PRACTICE for that first summer lesson

Monday, June 2, 2008

Municipal Band Begins

It must be summer... Even though we're still in school through tomorrow, a sure sign that it's summer is that the Centerville Municipal Band is beginning it's 2008 season this week! Tonight is the first rehearsal and Thursday night at 8:00 is our first performance in the band shell on the square (weather permitting).

The neatest part of playing in the municipal band is the variety of people who come together to play each summer. There are band directors both current and retired, community members, and high school students. It may surprise you who all is playing in this year's band. Try to make it to at least one concert. Concerts will be each Thursday night through the second week in July!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

What a way to end the year!!

Yesterday (Friday) the Howar Junior High Jazz and Concert Bands performed to an excited Lakeview audience. We opened with the jazz band performing "Watermelon Man" and "Sing, Sing, Sing" in a "best of the 2007-2008" set as the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders filed into the gym. The concert band opened with "Into the Storm," one of our contest pieces and then moved into a performance of some well known tunes including music from "The Little Mermaid," "West Side Story," and a dance break to "The Chicken Dance." I was not prepared for the response for our final selection of the afternoon. Our closer was a medley containing three selections from the hit musical and movie "Hairspray." The cheer from the audience was deafening and we did an encore of the final selection "You Can't Stop the Beat," after which there was more yelling and clapping. Thanks to everyone who made this performance possible, including the Lakeview staff for bringing their students down to a HOT gym, Mrs. Cole and Mr. Taylor for helping with arrangements and supplies, the custodial staff at Lakeview, Mr. DePrizio, the Howar staff and Mr. Karpen for allowing us to change the schedule and take the afternoon to perform, and, of course, the phenomenal Howar Students who were involved in these ensembles. What a way to end our successful year! Wow!

Monday and Tuesday no instruments will be needed for rehearsal, only Monday lesson folks who want to make up a few points need to bring their instruments this upcoming week. All school instruments need to be turned in on Monday for re-assignment. (Monday we'll finish watching "West Side Story" and Tuesday we will have a pizza party...)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Top Five Things Eighth Graders Won't Forget About HJH Marching Band

Howar Students – Don’t forget to wear your band polos and blue denim jeans, capris, or shorts tomorrow for our Lakeview Concert!! We’ll turn those in after our performance.
Top Five Things the Eighth Graders won’t forget about Howar Junior High Marching Band the last two years…
5. Where their left feet are located.
4. Even when wrong, Kylie H. is always right!
3. The Pancake Day parade route, first around the inside of the square, then around the outside of the square!
2. Band Booster provided cookies are the greatest!
1. Ms. Philipsen stepped on a dead squirrel that one day last year walking backwards during rehearsal…ewwww!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Welcome to Ms. Philipsen's Blog!

Welcome to my blog. In this first posting, I would like to first explain what I hope to accomplish in this space.

First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the accomplishments of the Centerville Music Program and the students who participate in it, with particular emphasis on the Howar Junior High Band and the CHS Flag Team. Whether these accomplishments be big or small, there is so much good happening because of the young people involved in our program. I hope to celebrate here the positive that happens in our school every year, month, week, and even day.

Secondly, I would like to have a little fun. I might come up with some top five or ten lists, share a bad joke, or something else off the wall. Any ideas on topics you would like to see addressed? Email me!

Finally, I would like to challenge my students. Every week or two I hope to issue a challenge to anyone so daring to accept. I may come up with a practice challenge, a compositional challenge, a musical challenge, or a random challenge. Good luck to anyone who accepts any or all of these challenges. Check back periodically to see what is going on!

Thank you for checking out my blog and be sure to check back again soon as I hope to update two or more times each week!

Best wishes for the last five days of school!