Friday, October 31, 2008

Spooky Notes!

Happy Halloween!

This week has been eerily excellent in the Howar Band World... Wednesday and Thursday were amazing rehearsals with a TON accomplished and I'm really starting to get excited about the upcoming concert in December! Way to go junior high banders on your hard work this week!

This quarter we are working on rhythms and time signatures as a band. We're working hard on tapping our feet while we work on rhythmic exercises. This week's rhythm sheets were a little on the easy side, so the good news is that next week's rhythms will be a bit harder. Each week we'll be tackling new rhythmic ideas and working to coordinate our feet with the beat. We'll also hopefully start exploring a variety of time signatures, too. By the end of the quarter we should be a lean, mean, rhythmic reading machine!

We also changed the day of the week that our practice sheets are due. These sheets are now due on Wednesdays. I'm hoping that putting this due date in the middle of the week will help with our memories so we don't forget over the weekend! Let's get those questions answered with complete sentences!

I'm very pleased with the HJH Jazz Band after our second week of rehearsals. It sounds like this is going to be a good year to get into the groove!

And in other news, the CHS Flag Team did an outstanding job on Wednesday night with their performance with the CHS Marching Band. Congratulations on ending an amazing season in the chilly October air! Congrats to the CHS Football team for advancing to the next level...can't wait for the game on Monday night! The WHOLE CHS Band will be there playing Pep Band to cheer them on!

da da da da da da da daaaa HEY! GO BIG REDS!!

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