Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Here froggy froggy froggy!

The HJH Drummers are an interesting crew... They have a new obsession over small frogs. For example, the little guy that they found while having drumline rehearsal outside this afternoon. How odd.

The count down to our weekend of marching has begun! We have 12 more rehearsals until we do our TWO performances! Things are looking/sounding good, but we still have so much more to do!

And, a belated picture post from this weekend... Here's a shot of the flag team relaxing before the Moulton parade!
Anyone know any good (clean) music jokes? Please post them as a comment here! I'll get you started... What do you get when you throw a piano down a mine shaft? A flat minor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frank the frog rocks and would still be the drum pet if neal hadn't of stepped on him but we will find a new drum pet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!