Monday, April 27, 2009

A Cold, Wet, Fun Adventureland Experience

After Saturday's trip to Adventureland, I must say how proud I am of the Howar Junior High Band students. It was an outstanding day. Not only did they perform well, but they showed that they are a well behaved group of students. To the adults who grump about "kids these days," obviously you've never met MY kids!

This year's band students have been the BEST junior high group to travel with. Last weekend and this weekend there are minimal issues on the buses, and we've even been complemented on our bus etiquette! I know some adults dread getting on a bus full of pre-teen and teens, but I look forward to traveling more with this fine group when opportunities arise!

The weather was cold and wet for our trip, rather disappointing as Friday and Sunday were both warmer and not so drippy. That being the case, I was excited to see that we didn't let a little bit of rain dampen our spirits. In fact, I think we got quite a deal as every ride was a water ride! Just think of that when you go back in July and it's 101 in the shade! You likely wouldn't have found out that the Iowa Cafe sold hot cocoa and cappuccino if it had been warmer, would you?

A special thanks to our chaperons, Kym Caylor, Marty Braster, and Shelia Palmer. You three are amazing and without you this trip would have been tough! I hope you had as much fun as I did! It was also great to see so many family and friends hanging out for the day, too!

I was glad, too, to have been able to ride the rides with some of the coolest kids in Centerville! I'll be practicing up on my bumper car skills so that I can get all of you seventh graders back sometime!

Now looking to the end of the school year, we have our concert tomorrow evening, playing for the home crowd our three contest selections PLUS Mamma Mia! We'll start working on next year's marching tune, hold HJH drum major auditions (current seventh graders who are interested), CHS flag team auditions (current eighth graders plus 9-11 who are interested), throw some new tunes together for the Lakeview concert, and have some fun through the end of the year. I can't believe that May starts up this week already!!! The summer letters will be in the mail by the end of the week, yikes!

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